【Hacker News搬运】华盛顿“被遗忘的巨型”火山喷发
Title: Washington's 'forgotten giant' volcano stirs
Url: https://gizmodo.com/washingtons-forgotten-giant-volcano-stirs-surge-in-quakes-prompts-increased-monitoring-2000509873
很抱歉,我无法直接访问或分析外部链接的内容。不过,我可以根据您提供的链接标题来提供一个大致的总结。 标题:“华盛顿州被遗忘的大火山引发地震激增,促使加强监测” 总结: 这篇Gizmodo的文章可能讨论了华盛顿州一个不为人知的大型火山的活动。文章指出,这座火山最近的活跃迹象,包括地震活动的增加,引起了科学家们的关注。因此,为了更好地了解这一地质现象,并确保公众安全,监测活动得到了加强。具体内容可能包括火山的历史、它的潜在威胁、以及科学家们正在进行的研究和采取的措施。如果内容包含非中文部分,那么文章可能还会涉及对这些内容的中文翻译或解释。
Post by: rbanffy
jandrewrogers: In case anyone is interested, you can sign up for detailed email alerts from various USGS volcano observatories when there is a change in activity. I received one for Mount Adams a week and a half ago. This article is essentially re-publishing those alerts.
jandrewrogers: 如果有人感兴趣,您可以在活动发生变化时注册来自美国地质调查局各火山观测站的详细电子邮件警报。一周半前,我收到了亚当斯山的一封信。本文本质上是重新发布这些警报。
50208: I live within 20 miles of this volcano. I've been reading the reporting. The further we've gotten from the original report the more FUD gets sprinkled in. This "article" takes the cake. Each time it notes that these events are really no big deal, the author precedes and / or follows with some form of "It's gonna blow ! / Be scared!". In fact, it's like they copy / pasted the original reporting and added BS drama for effect. Terrible article.
50208: 我住在离这座火山不到20英里的地方。我;我一直在读报道。我们越深入;我从最初的报告中了解到,FUD被撒得越多;文章";拿走蛋糕。每次它注意到这些事件真的没什么大不了的,作者都会在前面和;或者以某种形式的";它;它要爆炸了/;害怕&“;。事实上,它;就像他们抄袭一样;粘贴了原始报道,并添加了BS戏剧效果。糟糕的文章。
klocksib: Mt. Adams is hardly forgotten @_@
klocksib: 亚当斯山几乎不会被遗忘@_@