【Hacker News搬运】男子世界台球冠军被发现有铁栗后涉嫌作弊
Title: Cheating alleged after men's world conker champion found with steel chestnut
Url: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/oct/14/cheating-alleged-after-mens-world-conker-champion-found-with-steel-chestnut
很抱歉,由于我是一个文本生成的AI,我无法直接访问或分析外部网站的内容,包括您提供的链接。不过,我可以根据您提供的标题和一小段描述来尝试总结。 标题:“男子世界 walnut-conker 冠军被发现携带钢核桃,涉嫌作弊” 假设这是一篇关于体育新闻的文章,以下是对该标题的中文总结: 据报道,在最近举行的男子世界 walnut-conker(核桃弹棋)锦标赛中,冠军选手被发现携带了一枚钢制的核桃,这引发了作弊的指控。 walnut-conker 是一种传统的投掷游戏,选手们使用核桃作为弹子进行对战。这种比赛通常要求使用天然的核桃,因此发现使用钢制核桃显然违反了比赛规则,可能会影响比赛结果和选手的声誉。目前,该事件正在调查中,相关机构正在核实情况并决定如何处理这一违规行为。
Post by: notamy
umanwizard: Is this game well-known enough in Britain and Ireland that readers will know what on earth is being alleged just from reading this article? Or are you expected to have to google it?<p>Apparently it’s a game where you take turns swinging a chestnut on a string and trying to hit the opponent’s chestnut and break it. Yes, I can see how a steel fake chestnut would be an advantage here, though I’m amazed it wouldn’t be instantly obvious to even a casual observer that the look and sound were wrong. So maybe I’m still missing something.
umanwizard: 这个游戏在英国和爱尔兰的知名度是否足够高,读者只要阅读这篇文章就能知道到底是什么指控?或者你需要谷歌搜索吗<p> 显然,这是一个游戏,你轮流在绳子上挥动栗子,试图击中对手的栗子并打破它。是的,我可以看到一个钢制假栗子在这里是一个优势,尽管我很惊讶,即使是一个不经意的观察者,也不会立即发现它的外观和声音是错误的。所以,也许我仍然错过了一些东西。
techterrier: Some people pay for conkers<p>But I get mine for free<p>I go round my grandmas house<p>She's got a horse chestnut tree
techterrier: 有些人花钱买饼干<p>但我可以免费得到我的<p>我会去我祖母家<p>她;我们有一棵七叶树
nealmueller: The World Conker Championships is an annual event held in England, where competitors from around the world play the traditional game of conkers using chestnuts. Each player threads a chestnut, known as a conker, onto a string and takes turns striking their opponent’s conker, aiming to break it. The tournament follows a knockout format, with players advancing until a world champion is declared. The event has been running since 1965 and has grown in popularity, drawing international participants and spectators.
nealmueller: 世界Conker锦标赛是在英国举行的年度活动,来自世界各地的参赛者在这里玩用栗子做的传统Conker游戏。每个玩家将一个栗子(称为锥子)串在绳子上,轮流击打对手的锥子,试图打破它。比赛遵循淘汰赛的形式,玩家前进,直到宣布世界冠军。该活动自1965年以来一直在举办,并越来越受欢迎,吸引了国际参与者和观众。
exhilaration: What is conker, you ask? Here's a video: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LcaUTAuQfc" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LcaUTAuQfc</a>
exhilaration: 你问,康克是什么?这里;这是一个视频:<a href=“https:”www.youtube.com“观看?v=3LcaUTAuQfc”rel=“nofollow”>https:”/;www.youtube.com;看?v=3LcaUTAuQfc</a>
bee_rider: It seems like a bad move to have a participant responsible for drilling the holes and attaching the strings.<p>Also I don’t understand the one paragraph aside about the American who is never mentioned before or after(?)
bee_rider: 让参与者负责钻孔和系绳子似乎是一个糟糕的举动<p> 另外,我也不明白旁边有一段关于美国人的话,他之前或之后从未被提及过(?)