【Hacker News搬运】美国东部和墨西哥湾沿岸港口面临关闭,因为工会宣布打算罢工
Title: US East and Gulf coast ports face shutdown as union announces intent to strike
Url: https://gcaptain.com/us-east-and-gulf-coast-ports-face-imminent-shutdown-as-union-announces-intent-to-strike/
很抱歉,我无法直接访问或分析外部网站的内容。但是,我可以根据你提供的链接描述来模拟一个可能的新闻总结。 标题:美国东海岸和墨西哥湾沿岸港口面临即将关闭的风险,工会宣布罢工意图 摘要: 美国东海岸和墨西哥湾沿岸的多个港口正面临即将关闭的风险,因为相关工会宣布了罢工的意图。这一决定可能会对进出口业务造成严重影响,并可能引发供应链中断。港口工人对工作条件和薪酬问题表示不满,他们希望通过罢工来争取更好的待遇。政府和相关利益方正在紧急寻求解决方案,以避免可能的经济影响。 以下是对新闻内容的假设性总结(基于上述描述): --- 美国东海岸和墨西哥湾沿岸的多个港口正面临即将关闭的威胁,原因是负责运营这些港口的工会宣布了罢工的意图。工人们对于工作条件和薪酬不满,认为这些条件并未跟上行业发展的步伐。如果罢工如期举行,预计将对美国乃至全球的供应链造成重大影响,尤其是在疫情后期,供应链的稳定性对于经济复苏至关重要。 此次罢工可能涉及港口的货物装卸、检查和清关等关键环节,因此,无论是出口商还是进口商,都将面临货物积压和运输延误的风险。政府和商业利益相关方正在积极寻求解决方案,包括可能的工作条件谈判和调解,以期避免罢工发生。 目前,尚不清楚罢工的具体日期和持续时间,但这一事件已经引起了业界的广泛关注。许多企业正在评估可能的应对策略,以减轻潜在的供应链中断带来的影响。 --- 请注意,以上内容是基于新闻描述的模拟总结,并非对实际新闻内容的真实反映。
Post by: casefields
Sytten: They rejected a 5$/h per year increase for 6 years (77% salary improvement over the period). Given what I know of Canadian Port workers they are often paid more than 100k$/y and they put their children on lists to get jobs. The incentives to automate as much as possible is clearly there for business owners even outside of strikes.<p>They also dont get much love from the public. The known ties with organized crime might have something to do with it and the general impression (right or wrong) that they are never happy despite having very good conditions/salaries.
Sytten: 他们拒绝了5美元;h每年增加6年(在此期间工资提高77%)。根据我对加拿大港口工人的了解,他们的工资通常超过10万美元;他们把孩子列入求职名单。即使在罢工之外,企业主也明显有尽可能多地实现自动化的动机<p> 他们也没有得到公众的太多爱。与有组织犯罪的已知联系可能与此有关,以及尽管条件很好,但他们永远不会快乐的总体印象(对或错);工资。
nkurz: Can someone make the case for why we should support the port workers in this situation? My intuition is that while they are probably competent at what they do, there are likely many people who would be eagerly and immediately replace each of them if offered the opportunity to do the same work for the same wage. And increased automation and efficiency at the ports seems like it would have significant benefit for rest of the nation.
nkurz: 有人能解释一下为什么在这种情况下我们应该支持港口工人吗?我的直觉是,虽然他们可能胜任自己的工作,但如果有机会以相同的工资做同样的工作,可能会有许多人急切地立即取代他们。港口自动化和效率的提高似乎会给全国其他地区带来重大利益。
ars: Going on strike to keep your job from being replaced by automation does not seem like a winning strategy. Not only does your job not need to exist, you actually want more money for doing something no one needs you to do?<p>If you want a payment for doing nothing of value, that's something government handles, not a private employer.<p>There's SO MUCH demand for labor right now, let's not have people do jobs that computers can do.
ars: 罢工以防止你的工作被自动化取代似乎不是一个成功的策略。你的工作不仅不需要存在,而且你真的想要更多的钱来做一些没有人需要你做的事情吗<p> 如果你想为没有做任何有价值的事情而获得报酬,那就是;这是政府处理的事情,不是私人雇主<p> 那里;现在对劳动力的需求太大了,让我们;我们没有人做电脑能做的工作。
mistrial9: very odd that this short news article does not mention "automation" of existing human roles at all. Yet this is central to the contested negotiations<p><a href="https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/26/port-worker-strike-longshoremen" rel="nofollow">https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/26/port-worker-...</a>
mistrial9: 非常奇怪的是,这篇简短的新闻文章没有提到";自动化”;现有的人类角色。然而,这是有争议的谈判的核心<p><a href=“https:”www.theguardian.com“us news”2024“sep”26“港口工人罢工码头工人”rel=“nofollow”>https:”/;www.theguardian.com;美国新闻;2024年;sep;26°;港口工人-</一