【Hacker News搬运】时空的解开
Title: The Unraveling of Space-Time
Url: https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-unraveling-of-space-time-20240925/
很抱歉,作为一个AI,我无法直接访问或分析网页内容。不过,我可以根据你提供的链接和标题给出一些关于这篇文章的大致内容。 这篇文章可能是关于理论物理学,特别是关于时空理论的研究进展。标题 "The Unraveling of Space-Time" 可能指的是对爱因斯坦的广义相对论和时空概念的最新理解和解释。以下是对这篇文章可能内容的推测: 1. **时空的量子性质**:文章可能探讨了时空是否具有量子性质,以及这是否意味着我们对宇宙的理解需要重新思考。 2. **引力波的观测**:自2015年LIGO首次直接探测到引力波以来,科学家们可能在这篇文章中讨论了这些观测如何帮助我们更好地理解时空。 3. **黑洞和宇宙的结构**:文章可能讨论了黑洞如何影响时空的结构,以及这些研究如何揭示宇宙的早期状态。 4. **理论物理学的未来方向**:作者可能探讨了当前理论物理学面临的问题和挑战,以及未来的研究方向。 5. **对公众的科普**:虽然文章可能面向专业人士,但它也可能包含一些对公众友好的内容,解释复杂的物理概念。 要获取这篇文章的具体内容和总结,你需要访问Quantum Magazine的网站,阅读原文。如果你需要将非中文内容翻译成中文,你可以使用在线翻译工具或服务,如Google翻译。
Post by: nsoonhui
RajT88: I come here for the plaintext.<p>Scrolling through that site is like geek kryptonite. Terrible. I will monitor this comment thread for other articles which cover the same content.
RajT88: 我来这里是为了获取明文<p> 浏览那个网站就像极客氪石。可怕的。我将监控此评论线程,以查找涵盖相同内容的其他文章。
ackbar03: Does anyone have a good recommendation for an introductory book on these concepts?<p>I read a bit of The Fabric of Reality but had trouble progressing too far with that one. The author talks about the quantum slit experiment, somehow arrives at the explanation of parallel universes, and then claims anyone who disagrees with this conclusion must have faulty logic. A huge chunk of reasoning behind parallel universes seems to be skipped and I have trouble taking it seriously every time it is brought up.
ackbar03: 有人推荐一本关于这些概念的入门书吗<p> 我读了一点《现实的结构》,但在这本书上进展得太远了。作者谈到了量子狭缝实验,不知何故得出了平行宇宙的解释,然后声称任何不同意这一结论的人都有错误的逻辑。平行宇宙背后的大量推理似乎被跳过了,每次提到它时,我都很难认真对待。
leetrout: I really am over the stupid scroll hijacking sites.
leetrout: 我真的很讨厌那些愚蠢的劫持网站。
smolder: I am not sure what this article is about. I assumed it would be redundant but didn't get to find out because of the weird intolerable formatting.
smolder: 我不确定这篇文章是关于什么的。我原以为这是多余的,但事实并非如此;由于格式怪异且难以忍受,我无法得知。
wizardforhire: This looks to be some fashly extra content to go along with the recent and wonderful John Wheeler retrospective. [1] But truth be told I couldn’t get through more than a few links before I got frustrated with the design.<p>[1] <a href="https://www.quantamagazine.org/john-wheeler-saw-the-tear-in-reality-20240925/" rel="nofollow">https://www.quantamagazine.org/john-wheeler-saw-the-tear-in-...</a>
wizardforhire: 这看起来是一些时髦的额外内容,与最近精彩的约翰·惠勒回顾展相辅相成。[1] 但说实话,在我对设计感到沮丧之前,我无法通过多个链接<p> [1]<a href=“https:”www.quantamagazine.org“john-wheeler-saw-the-tear-reality-20240925”rel=“nofollow”>https:”/;www.quantamagazine.org;约翰·惠勒看到了撕裂</一