【Hacker News搬运】安全配置文件失败的原因
Title: Why Safety Profiles Failed
Url: https://www.circle-lang.org/draft-profiles.html
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Post by: pjmlp
SubjectToChange: At this point I'm wondering if the purpose of safety profiles is simply to serve as a distraction. In other words, safety profiles are just something people can point to when the topic of memory safety comes up, that’s it. The objectives of the initiative always seemed hopelessly optimistic, if not absurd. In particular, I don't understand why littering a codebase with auto, const, constexpr, inline, [[nodiscard]], noexcept, etc is wonderful, yet lifetime annotations are somehow an intolerable tyranny.
SubjectToChange: 此时,我;我想知道安全简介的目的是否只是为了分散注意力。换句话说,当涉及到记忆安全的话题时,人们可以指出安全配置文件,仅此而已。该倡议的目标似乎总是无可救药地乐观,如果不是荒谬的话。特别是,我不;我不明白为什么在代码库中添加auto、const、constexpr、inline、[[nodiscard]]、noexcept等是很好的,但生命周期注释在某种程度上是一种无法忍受的暴政。
ameliaquining: These considerations all seem so self-evident that I can't imagine the architects of Safety Profiles weren't aware of them; they are basically just the statement of the problem. And yet these smart people presumably thought they had some kind of solution to them. Why did they think that? What did this solution look like? I would be very interested to read more context on this.
ameliaquining: 这些考虑似乎都是不言而喻的,我可以;我无法想象安全配置文件的架构师是;不知道他们;它们基本上只是问题的陈述。然而,这些聪明人可能认为他们有某种解决方案。他们为什么这么想?这个解决方案是什么样子的?我非常有兴趣阅读更多关于这方面的内容。
alilleybrinker: The article makes the particularly good point that you generally can’t effectively add new inferences without constraining optionality in code somehow. Put another way, you can’t draw new conclusions without new available assumptions.<p>In Sean’s “Safe C++” proposal, he extends C++ to enable new code to embed new assumptions, then subsets that extension to permit drawing new conclusions for safety by eliminating code that would violate the path to those safety conclusions.
alilleybrinker: 这篇文章提出了一个特别好的观点,即如果不以某种方式限制代码中的可选性,通常就无法有效地添加新的推理。换句话说,没有新的假设,你就无法得出新的结论<p> 在Sean的“安全C++”提案中,他扩展了C++,使新代码能够嵌入新的假设,然后对扩展进行子集,通过消除违反安全结论路径的代码,得出新的安全结论。
steveklabnik: Really glad to see this thorough examination of the weaknesses of profiles. Safe C++ is a really important project, and I hope the committee ends up making the right call here.
steveklabnik: 真的很高兴看到对个人资料弱点的彻底检查。Safe C++是一个非常重要的项目,我希望委员会最终能做出正确的决定。
favorited: I know Sean said on Twitter that he probably won't submit this to WG21, but I wish he would... It is a fantastic rebuttal of certain individual's continued hand-waving about how C++ is safe enough as-is.
favorited: 我知道肖恩在推特上说他可能赢了;我不会把这个提交给第21工作组,但我希望他能。。。这是对某些人的绝妙反驳;他继续挥手说C++是如何足够安全的。