【Hacker News搬运】Dart中JavaScript互操作的历史
Title: History of JavaScript Interop in Dart
Url: https://medium.com/dartlang/history-of-js-interop-in-dart-98b06991158f
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Post by: wstrange
mdhb: It’s really nice to have an alternative set of tradeoffs besides what’s offered by Typescript when it comes to type safe web programming.<p>Dart is a much nicer, more expressive, more predictable and saner language than Typescript and the ability to compile to WASM is really interesting.
mdhb: 当涉及到类型安全的web编程时,除了Typescript提供的功能外,还有一套可供选择的折衷方案真的很好<p> Dart是一种比Typescript更好、更具表现力、更可预测和更理智的语言,编译到WASM的能力真的很有趣。