【Hacker News搬运】黑客攻击7亿艺电账户
Title: Hacking 700M Electronic Arts accounts
Url: https://battleda.sh/blog/ea-account-takeover
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- 导入JinaReader:在Python脚本中导入JinaReader。
from jinareader import JinaReader
- 创建JinaReader实例:创建一个JinaReader的实例。
reader = JinaReader()
- 分析网页内容:使用JinaReader的
content = reader.extract(url="https://battleda.sh/blog/ea-account-takeover")
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text = content.get("text")
- 进行总结:您可以使用简单的文本摘要技术或调用自然语言处理(NLP)服务来对提取的文本进行总结。
from googletrans import Translator translator = Translator() translated_text = translator.translate(text, src='en', dest='zh-cn').text print(translated_text)
## Post by: mooreds ### Comments: **sanktanglia**: Ea loves using generic systems across all their games. When poking around at Madden I found they have a common backend called blaze that has generic web and tcp endpoints. We built out a tool to call these endpoints (having to upload xml) and only later found out that every time we made the call it was crashing their servers but since we were grabbing a new server each request we were crashing all of their madden servers one by one. They ended up building an API to discourage people poking around > **sanktanglia**: Ea喜欢在所有游戏中使用通用系统。在研究Madden时,我发现他们有一个名为blaze的通用后端,该后端具有通用的web和tcp端点。我们构建了一个工具来调用这些端点(必须上传xml),后来才发现每次我们进行调用都会导致他们的服务器崩溃,但由于我们每次请求都会占用一台新服务器,因此我们一个接一个地导致他们所有的服务器崩溃。他们最终建立了一个API来阻止人们四处闲逛 **j1mmie**: <p><pre><code> So, like any sane person would, I overnighted an Xbox, installed Battlefield 2042, and waited for the moment of truth... I was in! </code></pre> I love hackers <3 > **j1mmie**: <p><pre><code>所以,就像任何理智的人一样,我通宵玩Xbox,安装了《战地2042》,等待真相大白的时刻。。。我进去了!</code></pre>我喜欢黑客<;3. **mooreds**: I enjoyed the detailed explanation of how he moved from point to point. I imagine it wasn't as straightforward as is laid out in a blog post<p>It would be interesting to see what I imagine to be the reams of notes from one of these to show how much time and effort it takes to perform this kind of attack. > **mooreds**: 我喜欢他如何从一个点到另一个点的详细解释。我想这不是;这并不像博客文章中所描述的那样简单。看看我想象中其中一篇文章中的大量笔记,以展示执行这种攻击需要多少时间和精力,这将是一件有趣的事情。 **All4All**: What's most wild about all of this to me is that EA has claimed for years a "technical impossibility" to unlink an existing Xbox account and re-link with a new one. (See <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/comments/12gsy4i/ea_xbox_linking_completely_messed_up_and_you_cant/" rel="nofollow">https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/comments/12gsy4i/ea_xb...</a> and many other forum posts on EA). I ran into this wall and after spending hours on support calls with EA they were unable to link a very old Xbox account I had, meaning I can't login to any EA games on Xbox, making the majority of them unplayable on the platform. Yet, here, we see, it is very much possible. > **All4All**: 什么;对我来说,这一切最疯狂的是EA多年来一直声称“;技术上不可能";取消现有Xbox帐户的链接并重新链接到新帐户。(请参阅<a href=“https:#x2F;www.reddit.com#r#x2F XboxGamePass#x2F评论#12gsy4i#ea_xbox_linking_completely_messed_up_and_you_cant#x2F”rel=“nofollow”>https:#x2F www.reddit.com#r#XboxGamePass#x2F注释#12gsy2i#ea.xb…)</a>和ea上的许多其他论坛帖子)。我遇到了这堵墙,在与EA进行了数小时的支持电话后,他们无法链接我拥有的一个非常旧的Xbox帐户,这意味着我可以;无法登录Xbox上的任何EA游戏,导致其中大多数游戏无法在平台上播放。然而,在这里,我们看到,这是非常有可能的。 **xeromal**: Would've been fun to ban every account and hope they didn't have DB backups > **xeromal**: 会;封禁每个账户很有趣,希望他们没有;没有数据库备份