【Hacker News搬运】物质的——一个现代的界面
Title: Materialious – A Modern Interface for Invidious
Url: https://github.com/WardPearce/Materialious
该网页是GitHub上的一个仓库页面,仓库名称为Materialious,是一个为Invidious设计的现代材料设计。该仓库由WardPearce创建。页面提供了GitHub的各种功能,如动作(Actions)、包(Packages)、安全(Security)、代码空间(Codespaces)、Copilot、代码审查(Code review)、问题(Issues)、讨论(Discussions)等。此外,还提供了GitHub的其他资源,如所有功能(All features)、文档(Documentation)、GitHub技能(GitHub Skills)、博客(Blog)等。还有为不同目标群体提供的解决方案,如企业(Enterprise)、团队(Teams)、初创公司(Startups)、教育(Education)等。此外,还有关于CI/CD与自动化(CI/CD & Automation)、DevOps、DevSecOps等解决方案的资源。最后,页面还提到了GitHub赞助(GitHub Sponsors)、ReadME项目(The ReadME Project)等社区项目,以及定价(Pricing)信息。 请注意,以上内容可能不完全准确,因为我使用的是webscraper工具自动抓取的,可能存在一些误差。
Post by: wardpearce
koito17: A big reason I have always used Invidious over the YouTube site for years now is due to the fact it loads fast on slow mobile connections and requires relatively little JavaScript on the client side. If we ignore video.js, then the HTML sent over the wire renders the vast majority of each page and elements (besides the video player) are already interactable before the JS finishes loading. The headline alone makes me fear this is some gigantic JS bundle that wont render anything server-side, but I'd love to be wrong about that. In any case, the current Invidious interface is "good enough" for me. I'm not sure what complaints I could make besides lack of SponsorBlock in the video player.<p>One of the issues in the project page states "[t]he current Invidious UI leaves a lot to be desired", but I am not sure what they mean. Similarly, every feature in the README besides SponsorBlock support seems to already exist in the current frontend. The only other difference I can think of is that this project uses Svelte for its frontend, so I assume it's some SPA that will present a blank page for a very long time on my cellular network. Again, I'd love to be incorrect.
koito17: 多年来,我一直在YouTube网站上使用Invinuous的一个重要原因是,它在慢速移动连接上加载速度很快,并且在客户端需要相对较少的JavaScript。如果我们忽略video.js,那么在js完成加载之前,通过网络发送的HTML会渲染每个页面的绝大多数内容,并且元素(除了视频播放器)已经是可交互的。标题本身就让我担心这是一个巨大的JS捆绑包,不会在服务器端呈现任何内容,但我;我很乐意在这方面说错。在任何情况下,当前的Invisious接口都是";足够好”;对我来说;我不知道除了视频播放器中缺少SponsorBlock之外,我还能抱怨什么<p> 项目页面中的一个问题是;[t] 当前的Invisious UI还有很多不足之处”;,但我不知道它们是什么意思。同样,README中除了SponsorBlock支持之外的所有功能似乎都已经存在于当前的前端。我能想到的唯一其他区别是,这个项目使用Svelte作为前端,所以我认为它;这是一些SPA,它将在我的蜂窝网络上呈现很长一段时间的空白页面;我喜欢做不正确的事。
br0wnr1c3: Is it just me or is the search bar completely missing on mobile-width devices?
br0wnr1c3: 是只有我一个人,还是移动宽度设备上的搜索栏完全不见了?