【Hacker News搬运】将空壳公司与其秘密所有者联系起来的技巧
Title: Tips for linking shell companies to their secret owners
Url: https://gijn.org/stories/tracking-shell-companies-secret-owners/
这篇文章是由Rowan Philp撰写,于2024年4月1日发布,讲述了如何追踪空壳公司及其秘密所有者的技巧。文章指出,对于调查记者来说,追踪那些隐藏资产并尽一切可能避免公众知晓的人的秘密所有者,有时似乎和寻找不明飞行物一样困难和“模糊”。但是,有一些强大的工具可以帮助新手记者追踪到这些隐藏资产和他们的真正所有者。 空壳公司是为了战略目的而成立的,比如合法公司的税务规避,也可以用来隐藏真正控制非法或受制裁企业的个人的身份和资产。文章提到了一些专业的调查网络,如国际调查记者联盟(ICIJ)和组织犯罪和腐败报道项目(OCCRP),他们使用的先进技术可以 fills several books。
Post by: chippy
BLKNSLVR: "Shell corporations are companies that don’t actually do any business"<p>This, I think, is a fairly key differentiator between valid and invalid use of incorporation. If a company doesn't do any business, then it shall not have a right to exist as it has no reason to exist, as the reason companies exist is to do business.<p>One may argue there are other reasons a company may exist, but I'd argue those reasons only exist as an unintended consequence of the ability to exist as 'shields' or 'cut-outs' as discovered by those familiar with the peculiarities of international law and accounting/finance.
BLKNSLVR: ";壳牌公司是那些实际上不做任何业务的公司<p> 我认为,这是有效使用公司法和无效使用公司法之间的一个相当关键的区别。如果一家公司不;t做任何业务,那么它就没有存在的权利,因为它没有存在的理由,因为公司存在的原因是为了做业务<p> 有人可能会争辩说,公司可能存在其他原因,但我认为;d认为这些原因仅作为作为作为-存在的能力的意外结果而存在;shields;或-7;切口-7;正如那些熟悉国际法和会计特性的人所发现的那样;资金
nocoiner: These are great techniques and helpful advice, but note that they are basically of zero use whatsoever in the case of (for instance) a Delaware LLC.<p>The amount of information regarding beneficial ownership that’s out there varies by jurisdiction and entity type - and again, these tips are great ways to dig into those and quite likely come up with some interesting findings in a lot of cases - but in most cases a Delaware LLC is basically a black box.
nocoiner: 这些都是很好的技巧和有用的建议,但请注意,在(例如)特拉华州有限责任公司的情况下,它们基本上没有任何用处。<p>关于实益所有权的信息量因司法管辖区和实体类型而异-同样,这些技巧是深入研究这些信息的好方法,在很多情况下很可能会得出一些有趣的发现-但在大多数情况下,特拉华州有限公司基本上是一个黑匣子。
zrn900: Not only those - majority shareholders must always be mentioned when any company is being talked about for any reason. Shareholders should not be able to hide behind a smoke curtain while profiting from destructive corporations. Every company must be named along with its majority shareholders before its ceo.
zrn900: 不仅如此,当任何公司因任何原因被谈论时,都必须提到大股东。股东们不应该躲在烟幕后面,从破坏性的公司中获利。每一家公司都必须在首席执行官面前与大股东一起被点名。
agys: Not shell companies but made me remember They Rule…!<p><a href="https://theyrule.net" rel="nofollow">https://theyrule.net</a>
agys: 不是空壳公司,但让我记住了他们统治<p> <a href=“https://;/;theyrule.net”rel=“nofollow”>https:///;他们统治着.net</a>
balderdash: I find it ironic in an interesting way that on HN there is such a strong privacy bent generally, but on the topic of financial privacy it seems to be the reverse
balderdash: 我觉得很讽刺的是,在HN上,普遍存在着如此强烈的隐私倾向,但在金融隐私的话题上,情况似乎恰恰相反