【Hacker News搬运】Runescape Grand Exchange上的算法交易冒险
Title: Adventures in algorithmic trading on the Runescape Grand Exchange
Runescape Grand Exchange上的算法交易冒险
Url: https://tristanrhodes.com/blog/Adventures-in-Algorithmic-Trading-on-the-Runescape-Grand-Exchange
由于我无法直接访问外部网站,我将无法直接抓取和分析您提供的链接内容。不过,我可以提供一个使用Python和相关的库来抓取和分析网页内容,并将非中文内容翻译成中文的大致步骤。 以下是一个使用`requests`库抓取网页内容、`BeautifulSoup`库解析HTML、`translate`库进行翻译的示例代码: ```python import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from googletrans import Translator # 网页URL url = "https://tristanrhodes.com/blog/Adventures-in-Algorithmic-Trading-on-the-Runescape-Grand-Exchange" # 使用requests获取网页内容 response = requests.get(url) html_content = response.text # 使用BeautifulSoup解析HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') # 找到所有文本内容 text_content = soup.get_text() # 创建翻译器实例 translator = Translator() # 将文本内容分割成单独的句子 sentences = text_content.split('。') # 翻译每一句话 translated_sentences = [] for sentence in sentences: translated_sentence = translator.translate(sentence, src='auto', dest='zh-cn').text translated_sentences.append(translated_sentence) # 将翻译后的句子合并回一个字符串 translated_text = '。'.join(translated_sentences) # 打印翻译后的文本 print(translated_text)
- 上述代码假设所有内容都是需要翻译的句子,并且以中文句号分隔。实际情况可能更复杂,可能需要更复杂的逻辑来正确分割句子。
是一个简单的翻译库,它使用了Google翻译服务。但请注意,使用Google翻译可能受到网络限制,且Google翻译API可能需要API密钥。- 由于网页内容结构可能因网站的不同而变化,上述代码中的HTML解析部分可能需要根据实际的HTML结构进行调整。
库,可以使用以下命令安装:pip install requests beautifulsoup4 googletrans==4.0.0-rc1
## Post by: partypete ### Comments: **kayson**: This reminds me of when World of Warcraft had a mobile app that allowed you to both browse the auction house and list or buy items. The API was pretty trivial to reverse engineer, making it easy to write an auction house bot. I never got as sophisticated as any ML algorithm, just snagged grossly mispriced items and bought/sold based on the last week's price range; it was mostly about volume. Made a tidy profit, bought my 1mil gold mount then gave up. The app was taken down soon after, no doubt in part because I'm sure I was not the only person doing this. > **kayson**: 这让我想起了《魔兽世界》有一个移动应用程序,可以让你浏览拍卖行,列出或购买物品。API对逆向工程来说相当微不足道,因此很容易编写拍卖行机器人程序。我从未像任何ML算法那样复杂,只是抓取了定价严重错误的物品并购买了;基于上周售出;s价格区间;主要是关于音量。赚了一大笔钱,买了我的100万金币,然后放弃了。该应用程序很快就被关闭了,毫无疑问,部分原因是我;我肯定我不是唯一一个这样做的人。