【Hacker News搬运】1.18k植物根系图纸
Title: 1.18k drawings of plant root systems
Url: https://images.wur.nl/digital/collection/coll13/search
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Post by: bookofjoe
jimmySixDOF: A massive effort led by Herr Dipl. -Ing Dr. Erwin Lichtenegger going from 1960 up till 2009 was what I looked at. Was interested for a while to get these into a 3D format but never got a reply from the library or the Pflanzensoziologisches Institute. I think these would look great animated and can only wonder what the good doctor would have achieved archiving with today's tools. Effort and dedication like that applied over time is a rare thing I am glad they are well preserved as works of art as much as science.<p>Ps also the workbooks of Dr. Santiago Ramon y Cajal on brain neurons are museum quality pieces with some startling similarities to these roots from a distance.
jimmySixDOF: 由迪普先生领导的巨大努力-从1960年到2009年,Erwin Lichtenegger博士一直是我关注的对象。有一段时间我很想把这些东西变成3D格式,但从未得到图书馆或Pflanzensoziologisches研究所的回复。我认为这些看起来会很有活力,我只能想知道一个好医生今天会实现什么样的存档;的工具。随着时间的推移,像这样的努力和奉献是一件罕见的事情,我很高兴它们作为艺术作品和科学作品都保存得很好<p> 此外,Santiago Ramon y Cajal博士关于大脑神经元的工作簿也是博物馆级的作品,从远处看与这些根源有着惊人的相似之处。
parpfish: The significant digits in that title a killing me. They’ve really gone out of their just to obscure the final digit.<p>they should have just given the full number (1,18x) or rounded to the hundreds (1.2k)
parpfish: 标题中的有效数字真让我头疼。它们真的太离谱了,只是为了掩盖最后一个数字<p> 他们应该只给出完整的数字(1,18x)或四舍五入到数百(1.2k)
bri3k: USDA Pomological Collection is another set if you want to see the fruiting bodies.<p><a href="https://search.nal.usda.gov/discovery/collectionDiscovery?vid=01NAL_INST:MAIN&collectionId=81279629860007426" rel="nofollow">https://search.nal.usda.gov/discovery/collectionDiscovery?vi...</a>
bri3k: 如果你想看到子实体,美国农业部的果树收藏是另一套<p> <a href=“https://;/;search.nal.uda.gov&x2F;discoveryȏ;collectionDiscovery?vid=01NAL_INST:MAIN&;collectionId=81279629860007426”rel=“nofollow”>https:///;search.nal.uda.gov/;发现;collectionDiscovery?vi</a>
triyambakam: Funny, 1.18k is more characters than 1180 and usually I think of using the k form for less approximate values, e.g. 1k
triyambakam: 有趣的是,1.18k比1180多了一个字符,通常我会想到使用k形式来表示较小的近似值,例如1k
roland35: Somewhere an AI is pumping it's fists in excitement
roland35: 在某个地方,一个AI正在泵送它;激动的拳头