【Hacker News搬运】Lore Harp McGovern在郊区的家中建立了一个微型计算机帝国
Title: Lore Harp McGovern built a microcomputer empire from her suburban home
Lore Harp McGovern在郊区的家中建立了一个微型计算机帝国
Url: https://every.to/the-crazy-ones/the-woman-that-tech-history-forgot
在1970年代中期,洛尔·哈普·麦戈文(Lore Harp McGovern)是一位家庭主妇和两个孩子的母亲,她开始在美国加利福尼亚州的郊区家中组装内存板和其他计算机扩展,以销售给日益增长的爱好者和企业市场。她和朋友卡罗尔·艾利(Carole Ely)一起,将他们的公司Vector Graphic发展成为一个微型计算机的主要制造商,最终在IBM进入市场之前将其上市。该公司在客户满意度和可靠性方面始终优于竞争对手,这主要归功于哈普·麦戈文(Harp McGovern)的领导力和对员工福利的重视。到1980年,Vector Graphic的年销售额达到2500万美元(今天约9500万美元),成为计算机行业知名品牌。 洛尔·哈普·麦戈文(Lore Harp McGovern)和卡罗尔·艾利(Carole Ely)共同创立了Vector Graphic,成为微型计算机行业的先驱。哈普坚持为每位员工提供股票期权,而不仅仅是高级管理人员,当公司上市时,这一点得到了回报。然而,作为唯一一个在纳斯达克证券交易所上市的女性创始人,她面临着怀疑和被男性竞争对手低估的情况。尽管IPO取得了成功,但经营Vector对哈普的婚姻造成了压力,她最终离婚了。到1982年,Vector面临来自IBM的竞争,导致公司市场份额和利润下降。哈普于1983年重返CEO职位以拯救公司,但在战略决策上与董事会发生了摩擦。她成功地将Vector带回接近盈利的状态,但最终因个人原因于1984年离开公司。Vector于1987年宣布破产。哈普·麦戈文后来与丈夫共同创立了麻省理工学院的麦戈文大脑研究所。尽管取得了成就,但哈普·麦戈文在硅谷的历史中常常被忽视。
Post by: adrianhon
PlunderBunny: It's like a story from an alternate version of reality - I think of all the articles I've read touting 'the two Steves', and this is the first time I've read about Lore Harp McGovern.
PlunderBunny: 它;It’s like a story from a alternative version of reality-I think all articles I;我读过吹捧;两个Stevens;,并且这是第一次I;我读过关于Lore Harp McGovern的文章。
laurex: It’s not just that she overcame odds as a woman in the tech business that amazes, but that she was so clearly someone who cared about people, and chose to risk her business and reputation more than once to stay true to her values. That’s perhaps even more rare in this industry than being a successful female CEO.
laurex: 令人惊讶的不仅仅是她作为一名女性在科技行业克服了困难,而且她显然是一个关心他人的人,并不止一次地选择冒着商业和声誉的风险来忠于自己的价值观。这在这个行业可能比成为一名成功的女性首席执行官还要罕见。
kragen: article says<p>> <i>With her friend Carole Ely, she grew their company, Vector Graphic, into a major manufacturer of microcomputers</i><p>wikipedia says<p>> <i>Vector Graphic sales peaked in 1982, by which time the company was publicly traded, at $36 million. It faltered soon after...</i><p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_Graphic" rel="nofollow">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_Graphic</a><p>taking a microcomputer company from nothing to a near-billion-dollar market cap on the public markets is nothing to sneeze at. on the other hand, tens of thousands of microcomputers per year doesn't qualify as 'a major manufacturer of microcomputers'. commodore sold three hundred thousand c64s in 01982. apple broke a billion dollars in sales that year. lore harp's company had almost 4% of that. you could reasonably describe mits, imsai, commodore, apple, atari, and tandy/radio shack as 'major manufacturers of microcomputers' in that time period, but not vector. they were small fry, like heath/zenith or cromemco<p>this unforgivable level of puffery suggests that much of the article may be false (as valley_guy_12 points out in <a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39972703">https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39972703</a>, this puffery is something it has in common with the company's name, even if it doesn't quite rise to the level of 'intergalactic digital research')
kragen: 文章说<p>><i> 她和她的朋友Carole Ely一起,将他们的公司Vector Graphic发展成为微型计算机的主要制造商<i> Vector Graphic的销售额在1982年达到顶峰,当时该公司已上市交易,达到3600万美元。它很快就动摇了</i> <p><a href=“https://;/;en.wikipedia.org//,wiki/!Vector_Graphic”rel=“nofollow”>https:///;en.wikipedia.org/;wiki/;Vector_Graphic</a><p>让一家微型计算机公司在公开市场上从一无所有发展到接近10亿美元的市值,这没什么好大惊小怪的;t符合-7的条件;微型计算机的主要制造商;。商品在01982年售出了30万辆c64。苹果当年的销售额突破了10亿美元。lore harp;的公司几乎占了4%。你可以合理地描述mits、imsai、commodore、apple、atari和tandy;无线电棚作为;微型计算机的主要制造商;在那个时间段内,但不是矢量。它们是小鱼苗,像heath/;这种不可原谅的夸大程度表明文章的大部分内容可能是虚假的(正如valley_guy_12在<a href=“https:/;news.ycombinator.com/!item?id=399972703”>https:ȏ;news.ycombinator.com/;item?id=399972703</a>中指出的那样,这种夸大与公司的名称有共同之处,即使它没有完全上升到 星系间数字研究
shortformblog: I just wanted to say that the framing of this intro is really, really good. Kudos to the author, who is knocking this series out of the park—hell of a writer.
shortformblog: 我只是想说,这个介绍的框架真的非常好。向作者致敬,他把这个系列从公园里搬了出来——一个地狱般的作家。
valley_guy_12: I remember seeing a Vector Graphics computer at a computer store around 1978, when I was shopping for my first computer. I was excited by the name Vector Graphics, only to be disappointed to learn that it was a meaningless name, and their computers had nothing to do with vectors or graphics. I vaguely remember that it was a generic business machine (maybe with a 16 bit version?) with nothing to recommend it to a hobbyist over the competition.<p>In that era Apple had an enormous lead in graphics, software, and peripheral cards.
valley_guy_12: 我记得1978年左右,我在一家电脑商店买第一台电脑时,看到了一台矢量图形电脑。我对Vector Graphics这个名字感到兴奋,但失望的是,这是一个毫无意义的名字,他们的计算机与矢量或图形无关。我隐约记得这是一台通用的商业机器(可能是16位版本?),在比赛中没有什么可以推荐给业余爱好者的<p> 在那个时代,苹果在图形、软件和外围卡方面遥遥领先。