【Hacker News搬运】Spin 3.0–用于构建和运行WASM应用程序的开源工具
Title: Spin 3.0 – open-source tooling for building and running WASM apps
Spin 3.0–用于构建和运行WASM应用程序的开源工具
Url: https://www.fermyon.com/blog/introducing-spin-v3
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Post by: triplechill
simonw: Does anyone know what the simplest possible recipe for running a Python script in a WASM sandbox using Spin is?<p>I basically want to do something like this:<p><pre><code> my-sandbox-cli-tool 'print("hello world")
And have the snippet of Python code I provide run inside a WebAssembly container that runs one of the Python compiled to WASM builds (<a href="https://github.com/brettcannon/cpython-wasi-build">https://github.com/brettcannon/cpython-wasi-build</a> for example) - with a time limit and restrictions on memory usage, and file system access, and network access.<p>I am on a continued quest to figure out the cleanest way to achieve this, I have so many projects I would want to build on top of this capability!simonw: 有人知道在WASM沙盒中使用Spin运行Python脚本最简单的方法是什么吗<p> 我基本上想做这样的事情:<p><pre><code>我的沙盒cli工具;print(“hello world”)</code></pre>让我提供的Python代码片段在WebAssembly容器中运行,该容器运行编译为WASM构建的Python之一(例如<a href=“https:/;/ github.com&#brettcannon cpython wasi build”>https:";github.com/brettcannon-cpython wasi build</a>),对内存使用、文件系统访问和网络访问有时间限制和限制<p> 我一直在寻找实现这一目标的最干净的方法,我有很多项目想在这种能力的基础上构建!
barrrrald: Component dependency is pretty wild and could massively simplify some complex apps
barrrrald: 组件依赖性非常普遍,可以大大简化一些复杂的应用程序
tholm: Having worked heavily with gRPC before I like how syntactically similar WIT is to proto. Looks like its time to start experimenting more with web assembly component interop :).
tholm: 在大量使用gRPC之前,我喜欢WIT与proto在语法上的相似性。看起来是时候开始更多地尝试web程序集组件互操作了:)。
VyseofArcadia: Purple and green some to have become the colors of dev tooling. I'm seeing that color scheme everywhere.
VyseofArcadia: 紫色和绿色已经成为开发工具的颜色。我;我到处都能看到那种配色方案。
jauntywundrkind: I really wish there were signs that maybe perhaps wasm components would be usable as such in the browser, sometime in the next handful of years. We have this whole amazing modular code system, but once again like with esm the browser gaps persist and drag on.<p>We finally in 2024 sort of have esm for workers, for example. But not import-maps, so the distributed esm modules aren't directly usable. This category of "making using the spec actually possible" problems tends to dwell for far too long alas.
jauntywundrkind: 我真的希望有迹象表明,也许在未来几年的某个时候,wasm组件可以在浏览器中使用。我们拥有这个令人惊叹的模块化代码系统,但与esm一样,浏览器的差距仍然存在并持续存在。例如,我们终于在2024年为员工提供了esm。但不导入映射,因此分布式esm模块不是;不能直接使用。这类";使使用该规范成为可能”;唉,问题往往会持续太久。