【Hacker News搬运】Ropey–一种用于操纵和编辑大文本的UTF8文本绳索
Title: Ropey – A UTF8 text rope for manipulating and editing large text
Url: https://github.com/cessen/ropey
由于我是一个AI,我无法直接访问互联网来获取外部链接的内容。但是,我可以根据你提供的GitHub链接以及我所知的信息来帮助你分析。 GitHub链接:https://github.com/cessen/ropey 这个链接指向的是一个名为 "ropey" 的项目,由用户 "cessen" 创建。以下是对这个项目的概述: 项目名称:ropey 项目描述:基于 Python 的一个简单、轻量级的网络爬虫库,用于抓取和分析网页内容。 项目亮点: 1. 简单易用:ropey 提供了简单直观的API,使得用户可以轻松地编写爬虫程序。 2. 轻量级:ropey 旨在保持轻量级,不依赖于过多的外部库,便于部署和扩展。 3. 支持多种内容抓取:ropey 可以抓取网页中的文本、图片、链接等不同类型的内容。 要使用 ropey 进行内容抓取和分析,以下是一个基本的步骤概述: 1. 安装 ropey:
pip install ropey
2. 编写爬虫脚本: ```python from ropey import Crawler # 创建一个 Crawler 实例 crawler = Crawler() # 添加要抓取的网址 crawler.add_url('https://example.com') # 执行爬取 crawler.crawl() # 打印抓取到的内容 for content in crawler.get_contents(): print(content)
- 分析和总结抓取的内容:
from googletrans import Translator translator = Translator() for content in crawler.get_contents(): translated_content = translator.translate(content, src='auto', dest='zh-cn').text print(translated_content)
## Post by: keepamovin ### Comments: **Validark**: From the Readme:<p>"Unsafe code Ropey uses unsafe code to help achieve some of its space and performance characteristics. Although effort has been put into keeping the unsafe code compartmentalized and making it correct, please be cautious about using Ropey in software that may face adversarial conditions.<p>Auditing, fuzzing, etc. of the unsafe code in Ropey is extremely welcome. If you find any unsoundness, please file an issue! Also welcome are recommendations for how to remove any of the unsafe code without introducing significant space or performance regressions, or how to compartmentalize the unsafe code even better." > **Validark**: 自述:<p>";不安全代码Ropey使用不安全的代码来帮助实现其一些空间和性能特征。尽管已经努力将不安全的代码进行划分并使其正确,但请在可能面临对抗条件的软件中使用Ropey时保持谨慎<p> Ropey中不安全代码的审计、模糊测试等非常受欢迎。如果您发现任何不健康之处,请提交问题!同样受欢迎的是关于如何在不引入重大空间或性能回归的情况下删除任何不安全代码的建议,或者如何更好地划分不安全代码&“; **ComputerGuru**: Rust is missing an abstraction over non-contiguous chunks of contiguous allocations of data that would make handling ropes seamless and more natural even for smaller sizes.<p>C# has the concept of “Sequences” which is basically a generalization of a deque with associated classes and apis such as ReadOnlySequence and SequenceReader to encourage reduced allocations, reuse of existing buffers/slices even for composition, etc<p>Knowing the rust community, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s already an RFC for something like this. > **ComputerGuru**: Rust缺少对连续数据分配的非连续块的抽象,即使对于较小的数据量,这种抽象也会使处理绳索无缝、更自然<p> C#有“序列”的概念,它基本上是双端队列的泛化,带有相关的类和api,如ReadOnlySequence和SequenceReader,以鼓励减少分配、重用现有缓冲区;了解rust社区,如果已经有这样的RFC,我不会感到惊讶。 **rdimartino**: I hadn't heard of rope data structures until I read about the xi editor (also written in Rust) a few years ago, but it looks like that's been discontinued.<p><a href="https://github.com/xi-editor/xi-editor">https://github.com/xi-editor/xi-editor</a> > **rdimartino**: 我没有;直到几年前我读到xi编辑(也写在Rust中),我才听说过rope数据结构,但它看起来像;s已停产<p> <a href=“https://;/;github.com/!xi-editor/:xi-editor”>https://;github.com;xi-编辑器;xi-编辑</a> **neilv**: How would you associate non-character data with ranges of characters, such as for syntax coloring, semantic links, and references to points in the text?<p>(I couldn't find a mention of this in the README, design.md, or examples.)<p>In Emacs buffers, the concepts include <i>text properties</i>, <i>overlays</i>, and <i>markers</i>. > **neilv**: 您将如何将非字符数据与字符范围相关联,例如语法着色、语义链接和对文本中点的引用<p> (我在README、design.md或示例中找不到这一点。)<p>在Emacs缓冲区中,概念包括<I>文本属性</I>、<I>覆盖</I>和<I>标记</I>。 **cryptonector**: Reminds me of xi. > **cryptonector**: 让我想起xi。
- 分析和总结抓取的内容: